Continuing on with the mother's day theme, here's a tribute to Bill O'Reilly's mom.
The following video is rated R for language. Bill O'Reilly's language. I don't know how many of you have seen the Bill O'Reilly flip out when he was on Access Hollywood. But if not here it is....
What I'm leading up to is our discovery of the "Dance Remix" to it. Which is a heavier R rating than the original, so be wary of your kids seeing it. This is really very hilarious and made possible by Bill O'Reilly's mom not teaching him how to handle stressful situations with grace. I hope he takes good care of her. I'm guessing she put up with a lot...Enjoy!!!
Those videos are hilarious!
I watch Bill O'Reilly every once in a while. It’s funny to see him just totally lose it lol.
i agree...great comic relief!!
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